Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I am a Certified MnemeTherapist with the AWBA. Art Without Boundaries is a Professional Association with the mission to improve the quality of life for individuals with AutismAlzheimer's disease and other related disorders of the brain by promoting MnemeTherapy.®

MnemeTherapy®  uses everyday pleasures such as singing, movement, painting and story telling in a unique combination to stimulate changes in the brain. Although our goal is to provide a rewarding experience, documented testimonies show significant improvement in some clients in verbal skills, mobility, combativeness, spatial acuity and understanding instructions. MnemeTherapy® is art and movement based and should not be confused with Art Therapy, which is a psychological process. Membership in the AWBA is required to practice MnemeTherapy® The AWB training program uses a Mentor/Apprentice approach with online training, and one-on-one on-site certification for competency. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011